Latvian Christmas Bazaar
PALDIES, ka apmeklējāt un atbalstījāt 2020 Virtuālo Sietlas Latviešu Ziemassvētku Tirdziņu!
THANK YOU for attending and supporting the 2020 Virtual Seattle Latvian Christmas Bazaar!
Mēs turpinam aicināt Jums ziedot dažām vietējām latviešu organizācijām, ja vēlaties izpalīdzēt mūsu brīnišķīgajām organizācijām, kas palīdz uzturēt mūsu latvisko sabiedribu.
We’d like to continue to encourage you to donate to a few local Latvian non-profits, listed down below, if you’d like to leave a monetary contribution to our wonderful organizations that help keep the community strong.
Latvian Association of Washington State | Mail checks made out to LBVŠ to PO Box 75081, Seattle, WA 98125 |
Seattle Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church | Mail checks made out to Seattle Latvian Church to 11710 3rd Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125 |
Roof Fund | Mail checks made out to Seattle Latvian Church with “Jumta Fonds/ Roof Fund” in the note section to 11710 3rd Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125 |
West Coast Latvian Education Center/Kursa/Mezotne | Donate Online to WCLEC/RKLIC |
Contact info: