1957. gadā Latvijas sūtnis Dr. Arnolds Spekke iestādīja ozolu pie Sietlas pirmā Latviešu nama Wallingford rajonā. Nams tur kopš 1969. gada vairs nav, bet ozols arvien zaļo un zeļ.
Šogad Sietlas pilsēta mūsu ozolam piešķīra “Heritage Tree and Best in Neighborhood” statusu!
In 1957 Latvia’s Ambassador Dr. Arnolds Spekke planted an oak tree in front of our first Seattle Latvian Center in the Wallingford District. The Center is long gone, but the tree continues to flourish.
This year the city of Seattle designated our oak tree “Heritage Tree and Best in Neighborhood”.
Stop by the Wallingford Playfield to visit our tree at the edge of the park on N. 43rd St. at Densmore Ave. N.
Par/about Seattle’s Heritage Tree Program