Saturday, June 18th – Sunday, June 19th
231 W Talsi Street, Shelton, Washington
Join us at the West Coast Latvian Education Center for our annual SUMMER SOLSTICE celebration!
Make wreaths, play soccer, enjoy the pool and walks around the lake.
Traditional dinner and program, with dancing and singing around the bonfire!
Donation Fees:
Minimum entry donation: $20/person, $40/family with children
Dinner: $15/person, $8 for children under 12
Overnight tent space reservations: $15/site
Overnight dormitory room reservations: $60/room
Reserve a room by sending a check to Ivars Graudiņš:
3902 San Mar Drive NE, Olympia, WA 98506.
(Payable to: West Coast Latvian Education Center)
Calling all home brewers and ‘Jāņu siera’ (cheese) makers!
Join in a fun competition. Bring a sample of your home-brewed beer or a round of your jāņu siers. Judging will be in the afternoon with winners announced during the program!
(To participate in the competition, please contact
(Download / print this information as pdf document: Jani)