Aicinām visus uz Latviešu biedrības Vašingtona štatā gadskārtējo pilnsapulci svētdien, 22. janvārī, plkst. 12:00 pēc dievkalpojuma, Sietlas latviešu centrā 11710 3rd Ave NE Seattle
Vēl neesi biedrs?? Varam pierakstīt uz vietas 😃 (vai rakstot epastu Zemās gada maksas var nokārtot ar skaidru naudu, čeku vai kredītkarti.
Ja neesat vēl gluži gatavs uzņemties saistības, bet vēlaties tomēr sadarboties, mēs ar prieku atbildēsim uz visiem jautājumiem!
Please come join us for this exciting new chapter of the
Latvian Association of the State of Washington!
Be a key player in merging the invaluable and strong values and traditions of Latvia
with the needs of today’s Seattle Latvian community.
The annual membership meeting will be on Sunday, January 22nd at 12:00 noon, at the Seattle Latvian Center 11710 3rd Ave NE, Seattle and refreshments will be provided.
Not a member yet?? We can sign you up on the spot 😃 (or email The low annual dues can be paid by cash, check, or credit card. If you’re not ready to commit but are interested in checking it out, we would be happy to answer any questions.
Agenda items will include:
- Activities reports from the various groups within the Latvian Association
- Election of new board members – We would love to have you join this dynamic team!! (if you are interested, please contact
- Voting on revised Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws! (Hasn’t happened since 1974! 😯)
- Discussions on the future of the Latvian Association of the State of Washington and the Seattle Latvian community
All are welcome; we want to hear from you!