Sestdien, 25. janvārī, plkst. 10:00
Seattle Latvian school open house January 25 at 10am
Seattle Latvian school open house January 25 at 10am
Celebrate Raimonds Pauls’ (Latvian composer and pianist) birthday with the Seattle Latvian Choir
Seattle Latvian School “Oktoberfest” on October 18 at 6:30pm at the Seattle Latvian Community Center
13:30 šefpavāra Māra Jansona meistarklase
16:00 Katrīnas Dimantas koncerts ar Sietlas latviešu kori un Trejdeksnīti
Sekos stāstījums par 2×2, danči un sadziedāšanās
The global Latvian youth movement, 2×2 celebrates its 60th anniversary with a stop in Seattle on September 22
1:30pm masterclass with chef Maris Jansons
4:00pm Katrina Dimanta concert with the Seattle Latvian Choir and folk dance group Trejdeksnitis
Followed by the story of 2×2, singing and dancing
23rd Annual Seattle Latvian Golf Tournament
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Kursa 50 celebration – “Come be a kursietis!” July 26-28, 2024
Kursa graduates, staff, families, supporters, and friends are all welcome!
Baltijas Koru sadraudzības koncerts
Seattle Baltic Choirs concert at the Seattle Latvian Center on Sunday June 2 at 3pm
Latvian Folk Dance Group “Trejdeksnītis” Spring Concert
May 18 at 7pm at the Seattle Latvian Center
Svinēsim Jāņus Rietumkrasta latviešu izglītības centra, sākot sestdien no 11iem
Celebrate “Jāņi” at the West Coast Latvian Education Center on June 22-23.
Gates open Saturday at 11am
The Seattle Congregation & Trejdeksnītis invite you to Easter Services & Brunch! Sunday, March 31 at 10:30am at the The Seattle Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church/Center