Sestdien, 13. maijā, plkst. 12:00-15:00
Join the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian communities in cheering on your favorite country or artist at the Eurovision 2023 watch party on Saturday, May 13 at Noon at the Seattle Latvian Center.
Join the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian communities in cheering on your favorite country or artist at the Eurovision 2023 watch party on Saturday, May 13 at Noon at the Seattle Latvian Center.
Sietlas latviešu skoliņa un Sietlas latviešu koris Jūs aicina uz Baltā galdauta svētkiem un koncertu.
May 6th at 3pm Seattle Latvian Choir + Seattle Latvian School concert and Celebration of the Restoration of Latvia’s Independence.
The Seattle Congregation & Trejdeksnītis invite you to Easter Services & Brunch! Sunday, April 9 at 10:30am at the The Seattle Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church/Center
Informatīva sesija/seminārs par pieteikšanos uz Latvijas pilsonību pa diasporas ceļu.
An informational session/workshop for applying for Latvian citizenship via the diaspora route on March 11, 10:30am – 12:30pm at the Seattle Latvian Center
Sietlas Latviešu Koris aicina uz Koncertu “Ar Mīlestību Dzimtenei”
Seattle Latvian Choir Invites you to the Concert “With Love to the Homeland” at 6pm on October 29
“Scramble Style” golfa turnīrs& Sveiks un Steiks vakariņas Sietlas latviešu centrā
21st Annual Seattle Latvian Golf Tournament on Saturday, September 10th
Svinēsim Jāņus Rietumkrasta latviešu izglītības centra
Celebrate “Jāņi” at the West Coast Latvian Education Center on June 25-26, 2022
“Grandpa, More Dangerous Than a Computer” 2017 Latvian family comedy in the Baltic Film Series organized by the Baltic Arts Council of the Northwest at the Seattle Latvian Center on February 18
Lūdzam atbalstīt Kursas programmu vienā vai vairākos veidos
Support Summer Highschool “Kursa” at the Seattle Latvian Center on January 26
Be a part of history: join us for a reenactment of a unique historical event at Drumheller Fountain UW