2024. g. 11. janvarī, plkst. 18:00
Prof. Daunis Auers to speak at the National Nordic Museum: How Many Nordic States? January 11, 2024 at 6pm
Prof. Daunis Auers to speak at the National Nordic Museum: How Many Nordic States? January 11, 2024 at 6pm
Latvian Independence Day Church services at 10:30am and “Blizzard of Souls” film showing on Sunday, November 19 at 12:00pm at the Seattle Latvian Center
Visā pasaulē tiešsaitē bez maksas būs pieejamas 15 Latvijas filmas
November 11-19, 2023
15 Latvian films will be available for streaming worldwide for free
Svinēsim Latvijas Neatkarības Dienu Sietlas latviešu centrā ar groziņu stila vakariņām! Lūdzam pieteikties.
Come Celebrate Latvia’s Independence Day with potluck dinner at the Seattle Latvian Community Center on November 18, 2023 at 4:00pm. Please sign up.
Sestdien, 11. novembrī no plkst. 10. līdz 5. vakarā
Tautas deju grupa “Trejdeksnītis” dejos plkst. 12:30os
Svētdien, 12. novembrī no plkst 12. līdz 4. pēcpusdienā
Saturday, November 11 from 10am til 5pm
Folk dance group “Trejdesknītis” will perform at 12:30pm
Sunday, November 12 from 12pm til 4pm
“Scramble Style” golfa turnīrs& Sveiks un Steiks vakariņas Sietlas latviešu centrā
22st Annual Seattle Latvian Golf Tournament on Saturday, September 9th
Let’s celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the West Coast Latvian Education Center with an online auction (Aug 21-31) AND a live onsite event in Shelton, WA (Sep. 1-4).
Svinēsim Jāņus Rietumkrasta latviešu izglītības centra, sākot sestdien no 11iem
Celebrate “Jāņi” at the West Coast Latvian Education Center on June 17-18.
Gates open Saturday at 11am
Tautas deju grupa “TREJDEKSNĪTIS” aicina baudīt dejām bagātu vakaru Trejdeksnīša pavasara koncertā, svinot Trejdeksnīša 60. gadu jubileju.
Biļetes/Tickets: TREJ2023.eventbrite.com
Join Trejdeksnītis for an evening of Latvian dance at their annual Spring Concert at the Seattle Latvian Center on June 3rd at 6pm.
Baumane būs abos Sietlas Starptautiskajā filmu festivāla seansos lai atbildētu uz skatītāju jautājumiem un izdalītu zīmejumus no filmas.
Latvian movie director/writer scheduled to attend Seattle showings of her film “My Love Affair With Marriage” May 20th at 6:45PM and May 21st at 3:30PM at Pacific Place Cinemas