Sestdien, 13. maijā, plkst. 12:00-15:00
Join the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian communities in cheering on your favorite country or artist at the Eurovision 2023 watch party on Saturday, May 13 at Noon at the Seattle Latvian Center.
Join the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian communities in cheering on your favorite country or artist at the Eurovision 2023 watch party on Saturday, May 13 at Noon at the Seattle Latvian Center.
Sietlas latviešu skoliņa un Sietlas latviešu koris Jūs aicina uz Baltā galdauta svētkiem un koncertu.
May 6th at 3pm Seattle Latvian Choir + Seattle Latvian School concert and Celebration of the Restoration of Latvia’s Independence.
Annual Rummage Sale is back at the Seattle Latvian Center April 29 & 30, 2023!
Item drop off time extended!
April 27 and 28 from 12:00pm – 6:00pm
The Seattle Congregation & Trejdeksnītis invite you to Easter Services & Brunch! Sunday, April 9 at 10:30am at the The Seattle Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church/Center
Arta Jēkabsone Jazz Concert “Spring in the Heart!” at the Seattle Latvian Center, Saturday, March 18 at 6:00pm (doors at 5:30pm)
Informatīva sesija/seminārs par pieteikšanos uz Latvijas pilsonību pa diasporas ceļu.
An informational session/workshop for applying for Latvian citizenship via the diaspora route on March 11, 10:30am – 12:30pm at the Seattle Latvian Center
Latvian Association Retirees will celebrate Valentines Day and the Latvian “Meteņi” season on February 14 at 12:00pm at the Seattle Latvian Center
Aicinām visus LBVŠ biedrus un tos ar interesi sadarboties uz gadskārtējo pilnsapulci.
Please join us at the annual membership meeting of the Latvian Association of the State of Washington on January, 22, 2023 at 12pm at the Seattle Latvian Center.
Svinēsim Latvijas Neatkarības Dienu Sietlas latviešu centrā. Iepazīšanās ar Latvijas Goda Konsulu Vašingtona štatā, uzvedumi, vakariņas & balle. Tiešsaistes reģistrācija tagad atvērta!
Come Celebrate Latvia’s Independence Day at the Seattle Latvian Community Center at 4pm on November 19! Meet Latvia’s Honorary Consul of WA & enjoy performances, dinner & dancing. Online registration now open!
Visi laipni aicināti uz Valsts svētku dievkalpojumu 10:30 un filmas “Valiant” izrādi 12:00 Sietlas latviešu centrā
Latvian Independence Day Church services at 10:30am and “Valiant” film showing at 12:00pm at the Seattle Latvian Center at on Sunday, November 20