2017.g. 11. un 12. novembrī
Sietlas latviešu Ziemassvētku tirdziņs Sietlas latviešu centrā
Seattle Latvian Christmas Bazaar at the Latvian Community Center Saturday, November 11-12
Sietlas latviešu Ziemassvētku tirdziņs Sietlas latviešu centrā
Seattle Latvian Christmas Bazaar at the Latvian Community Center Saturday, November 11-12
Medību pils: Sarunu drāma Sietlas latviešu centrā
Valmiera theatre presents “Medību pils” or Hunter’s Manor drama at Seattle Latvian Center on September 27.
Svinēsim Jāņus Rietumkrasta Latviešu Izglītības Centrā
Celebrate midsummers at West Coast Latvian Education Center
231 W Talsi Street, Shelton, Washington
Latvian folk dance group “Trejdeksnītis” Spring Dance Concert on Saturday, June 3, 2017
Rummage Sale at the Seattle Latvian Center April 27-30, 2017
Kursa Friendly Invitation & Social Sunday, January 29, 2017
RKLIC un latviešu ciems aicina sagaidīt Jauno gadu!
WCLEC and the Latvian village invite you to greet the New Year on December 31, 2016!
Svētku runu ,,Ceļā uz simtgadi” teiks bijusu ALAs priekšsēde Anita Bataraga
Latvian Independence Day event with former ALA chair Anita Batarags speaking
Please come and enjoy our LATVIAN CHRISTMAS BAZAAR on November 12 & 13, 2016