Latvian movie director/writer scheduled to attend Seattle showing of her film “My Love Affair With Marriage” at the Seattle International Film Festival – May 20th at 6:45PM and May 21st at 3:30PM
Pacific Place Cinemas – 600 Pine St., Seattle, WA 98101
“Esmu kinorežisore no Latvijas, kura dzīvo un strādā Nujorkā un mana filma “My Love Affair With Marriage” / “Mans laulību projekts” tiks izrādīta Sietlas Starptautiskajā filmu festivālā.
Es būšu abos seansos lai atbildētu uz skatītāju jautājumiem un izdalītu zīmejumus no filmas.
Loti priecātos ja Jūs varētu atnākt uz filmas Sietlas pirmizrādi.”
Divi seansi notiks:
Sestdien 20. maijā, plkst. 18:45
Pacific Place Cinemas – 600 Pine St Seattle WA 98101
Svētdien 21. maijā, plkst. 15:30, turpat.
Informācijai te ir saite uz festivāla mājaslapu.
Latvia My Love Affair With Marriage Latvia | 2022 | 108 min. | Signe Baumane This delightful and evocatively animated musical comedy for adults follows Zelma (Dagmara Dominczyk, “Succession”) over 23 years as she learns about and rebels against what women are taught about sex, body image, the that promise of one true love. Director/Writer/Animator/Producer Signe Baumane and Producer Sturgis Warner scheduled to attend. |
Lithuania Fragments of Paradise USA | 2022 | 98 min. | KD Davison Using an endless supply of footage from his own home video and film diaries, this experimental doc lays out the complicated life of the unparalleled Jonas Mekas, the godfather of avant-garde cinema and founder of Film Culture magazine and NYC’s Anthology Film Archives. |
Estonia Smoke Sauna Sisterhood Estonia | 2023 | 89 min. | Anna Hints A stunning, intimate, and beautifully shot lightning bolt of a film, as a group of women regularly meet at the smoke saunas of southern Estonia to not only cleanse their bodies but also bare their souls to each other, finding connection in their joys and ordeals. This screening is in honor of longtime SIFF programmer Maryna Ajaja. This film is sponsored by Mary Rainwater. |