Meet and greet pastor candidate for Seattle Latvian Congregation

Kā nesen bija paziņots dievkalpojumos, Sietlas mācītāja kandidāte, Laura Brauna, viesosies Sietlā no 13.-22. janvārim.
Laura vadīs dievkalpojumu svētdien, 21. janvārī un sekos pusdienas, kad varēs satikties un parunāties ar Lauru.
Mudinam visus uz dievkalpojumu un pusdienām iepazīties ar Lauru!


Laura Brauna, the candidate to be the new Seattle Latvian Church pastor, will be visiting Seattle from January 13-22.
Laura will be leading the church service on Sunday, January 21st and we will have a meet and greet with the congregation at the luncheon following.
We encourage everyone to attend the service and stay for lunch for the opportunity to meet this candidate!