Sestdien, 27. janvārī, plkst. 10:00
Seattle Latvian school open house January 27 at 10am
Seattle Latvian school open house January 27 at 10am
Dinner celebration Saturday, February 3 at 6pm at Watershed Pub & Pizza
Informational session Sunday, February 4 at 11:30 after church services at Seattle Latvian Center
Laura vadīs dievkalpojumu un sekos pusdienas.
Laura Brauna will lead church services at 10:30 on January 21 followed by luncheon
Seattle Latvian Choir concert “Dawn of Light”
Saturday, January 27 at 6pm at the Seattle Latvian Center
Novēlam visiem Gaišus, svētīgus Ziemassvētkus un raženu Jauno gadu! LBVŠ valde – Inese, Inta, Andra, Lauris, Ingrīda, Katrīna, Aleksa, Monika, Ann-Marie
Prof. Daunis Auers to speak at the National Nordic Museum: How Many Nordic States? January 11, 2024 at 6pm
Latvian Independence Day Church services at 10:30am and “Blizzard of Souls” film showing on Sunday, November 19 at 12:00pm at the Seattle Latvian Center
Visā pasaulē tiešsaitē bez maksas būs pieejamas 15 Latvijas filmas
November 11-19, 2023
15 Latvian films will be available for streaming worldwide for free
Turpiniet atbalstīt LBVŠ darbību! Samaksājiet 2024 biedra naudu jau tagad!
Continue your support of the Latvian Association of Washington and please consider paying your 2024 dues now.
Svinēsim Latvijas Neatkarības Dienu Sietlas latviešu centrā ar groziņu stila vakariņām! Lūdzam pieteikties.
Come Celebrate Latvia’s Independence Day with potluck dinner at the Seattle Latvian Community Center on November 18, 2023 at 4:00pm. Please sign up.