St. Martin’s Eve Party
Saturday, Oct. 24, 6:00 pm
For the past 10 years the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian communities have gotten together to party at the Martin’s Eve event (think of it as a Baltic Halloween).
This year the beneficiaries of the fundraising will be the Seattle Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian communities instead of the Baltic Studies Program. We encourage you to shift the focus of your generosity to our local communities. Proceeds will benefit activities such as schools, folk dancers, camps, etc.
During the evening we will sing songs, dance and be entertained by folk dance groups and other musical entertainers. More on the details of the program soon.
Latvian Hall, 11710 3rd Ave NE, Seattle 98125
Admission (to be announced) includes dinner
Children, 10 and under, FREE
Activities for kids: Haunted House, Games, Balloon Lady, Costume Parade, prizes.